Northland Swim Club History from the beginning.
The Northland Swim Club is a public swimming pool operating as a 501 (c) (3) public charity. Donors can deduct contributions they make to our organization.
Membership is open to all residents of Franklin County and the surrounding counties. Membership may be obtained by completing a membership application and paying the membership dues.
Persons not having a membership may use the pool facilities when accompanied by a member and paying a guest fee or when not accompanied by a member by paying a non-member guest fee.
On a hot weekend in June, 1964, many families in the Woodward Park, Kar-Mel Village and Northland Village' were experiencing the same frustration - trouble finding a place to establish a beachhead at Sequoia Swim Club located in Forest Park. It was this way every weekend; weekdays were almost as bad. During the fall and winter some members of the Woodward Park Civic Association decided to see if there was enough neighborhood interest to try to build a community pool. The interest was overwhelming and the project was launched.
Meetings were held with neighbors and it was unanimous that we try to build a swimming pool. The following people were named to the Board of Directors.
Henry Ballein, Dave Lippy, Howard Roby
Bob Corbett, Curt Mayer, Ed Rosendal
John Garvin, Byran Nisenwender, Jim Tressenrider
James Hall, Harry Paulino, Marvin Wade
Charles Hall, Bob Preston, Charles Zimmerman
Jim Lehman, Bob Proctor
The Articles of Incorporation were filed on January 25, 1965, thus forming the Northland Swim Club, Inc.
The Woodward Park Civic Association loaned $100.00 to this organization so that they could get started.
January, 1965, the first formal step was taken in the establishment of our own community owned and operated swim club. The NORTHLAND SWIM CLUB INC. was officially incorporated, a slate of temporary officers was appointed, and committees are hard at work many things necessary to insure years of fun and enjoyment.
The people want it. A community owned and operated pool is under the full control of the people in the community. It will be close to everyone so that there is no need for children to cross busy streets, they can walk or ride their bicycles in complete safety. A community pool is run only for the benefit of the members themselves - no need to determine policy matters strictly on the basis of profit as is the case with most commercial pools. The number of members can be limited by desire and physical facilities -not set as high as possible to make money for the owners.
Then there is always the economic factor. Few are financially able to build a pool in our back yards; we simple do not have the money. Yet, most of us would like to have a pool to enjoy. What we cannot do separately we can do together by combining our assets, our skill, and our labor.
The community swim club will be constructed and operated by the NORTHLAND SWIM CLUB, INC., a non-profit community organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Ohio. It will be under the complete control of, and operated for the benefit of the members of the corporation, and governed by a slate of officers and a board of directors.
Site - The swim club will be located on approximately 3 1/2 acres of land on the north side of Urban Drive, directly west of St. Anthony's school. Entrance will be from Almont Drive into a parking lot holding about 125 cars.
Pool - The pool itself will be between 9,200 and 9,500 square feet in size. (Approximately the same size as the pool in Forest Park.) Tentative plans call for a Z shaped pool, with the diving area in one leg of the Z, and the training area in the other leg. This leaves the main stem open for general use.
Additional Faci1ities - Next to the pool is a combination bath/club house, so designed that it can be later expanded to accommodate meeting rooms and additional functions. In addition, facilities will be provided for basketball, shuffleboard, horseshoe courts and ice skating. The aim is to provide a general recreation area that will serve all members, including playground and picnic areas.
A facility of the size and type envisioned will cost approximately $132,000, including the land.
It is anticipated that bids for the construction of the facility will be let around March 1, 1965, with construction beginning shortly after. The facility should then be completed and ready for the Grand Opening on June 1, 1965.
The first general meeting was held on February 15, 1965. The board of directors (15) was elected. The first board included the above mentioned members, with the exception of Henry Ballein and Jim Lehman. The following officers were elected:
Harry Paulino, President; Bob Proctor, Vice President; James Hall, Secretary; Bob Corbett, Treasurer; Marvin Wade, Asst. Tres.
Ground breaking ceremonies were held on Saturday, April 3. The Mayor of Columbus, Maynard Sensenbrenner broke ground for the Northland Swim Club. The proposed opening date was June 1, but was not opened until July 8, 1965.
The first manager was Curt Jenkins, he was replaced by Andy Regrut on March 23, 1966. Andy has been the manager every since. Many people devoted a lot of time to organizing and building of the Northland Swim Club, but rigid rules and regulations that has made Northland into the best family pool in the area was due to the management of Andrew Regrut. Over the years, Northland has been the best cared for pool in the City of Columbus and he has to be given most of the credit for the efficient day to day operation of The Northland Swim Club.
- Code of regulations adopted August 19, 1965, revised February 1, 1972.
- Granted non-profit status under IRS Code, Section 501 (c)i(7) on January 31, 1966. Swim Team Booster organized, 1968.
- Heater installed, 1969
- Membership Bonds converted to Certificate of Membership, 1975.
-Code of regulations amended October 2015.
-Granted non-profit public charity status under IRS Code, Section 501 (c) (3) on August 18, 2016 with an effective date of March 15, 2014.